Friday, May 12, 2006


Will it be cheaper and safer to stay home?

Dear Editor,

Gas prices are beginning to keep people at home and now that the government is trying to bust the Air Traffic Controllers union, will it be too dangerous to fly?

Graduates of the FAA Academy have been paid around $34,000. The FAA is now paying some students $8 an hour or around $18,000 a year, (just above minimum wage in some states).

The FAA is proposing to cut wages by 30% and start a 5 year pay freeze, prompting 4000 senior controllers to retire, which will result in serious delays. This has got to be one of the most important and stressful jobs in America. Please contact your congress people before June 5th to stop this madness.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


NSA illegal phone record sweeps.

Dear Editor,

The NSA collecting records on 200 million phone customers is an illegal invasion of privacy. More power to Qwest for saying no. With 298 million people in the country, deduct 61 million children and the elderly and that's everyone! Was it more dangerous when the British were attacking us, or when the Nuclear Cold War was going on? We didn't have to give up our rights then.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Telecom Giants move to Control how you surf the Web.

Last Thursday afternoon, a House committee caved to the narrow interests of companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast and voted to strip Net Neutrality from a bill moving through Congress.
The bill will allow them to restrict or slow down your access to certain websites. Last year, Canada’s Telus blocked their customers from visiting a web site sympathetic to workers who they were negotiating with.
The bill would mean these companies could control how well or poorly specific websites worked. Pay and you get good service, don’t pay, well good luck to you.
So big corporations will do just fine while small businesses and nonprofits will just have to hope that people don’t mind waiting for their web sites to load!
We can stop it from going further. At the moment, the internet is a level playing field, and it’s Net Neutrality that keeps it that way.
Contact your WA State Congress people to stop this from happening. Sen. Patty Murray: (202) 224-2621 Sen. Maria Cantwell: (202) 224-3441 Rep. Adam Smith: (202) 225-8901. Check out: for more help.

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