Sunday, July 30, 2006


Sen. Maria Cantwell on Net Neutrality

Although I don't agree with all Sen. Maria Cantwell's stances, I am totally behind her on Net Neutrality. She is one of a few brave senators who are trying to keep the Internet available to regular citizens. In so doing, she is angering all the major phone and cable giants who are spending millions on local ads. Washington DC lobbyists are trying to persuade her to back down and allow their bad legislation through the Senate. I want her to know that I'm right behind her on this one.



Dear Editor
Did you know that in early 2005 a Harris Poll found that 36% of Americans thought there were WMD found in Iraq? In 2006 Harris finds that 50% think it. Why is that? Could it be that certain media and congressmen have been saying they’ve been found? And of course they are right, they have been found, but they don’t tell you they have been finding these seriously degraded and unusable as weapons components in ones, twos & threes since 2003 across Iraq. They’ve found about 200 of these old weapons. Don’t they make it sound as if they just found tons of new useable ones? I think it’s called “Spin”.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Will we ever find out what is really going on?

Will we ever get affordable health care with the drug corporations and HMO’s running our health care system via lobbyists?
Will we ever get clean air (less asthma), or good mileage cars with the coal & oil industries running our energy policy via lobbyists?
Will we ever get toxic free food with chemical corporations running our food supply via lobbyists?
Will we ever get honest representation at the EPA and similar government regulatory bodies, when all their managers come from the opposing industries?
Will we ever get honest government with corporate lobbyists out-numbering our lobbyists around 10 to 1?
Will we get the best representation in government when corporate money runs our elections?
Will we get honest elections with two private companies running our voting machines?
All the above is happening, but will you ever hear about any of it with corporations focused on money rather than truth running our media? It’s tragic.


Who knew about SWIFT?

The right leaning Wall Street Journal says that the Department of the Treasury asked them to write about the SWIFT searches of American bank accounts. They wanted it out there, it was a fully sanctioned leak. The WSJ didn’t know that the same Administration had asked the left leaning New York Times not to print, knowing full well that they would. Was it because “it’s an election year and beating up on the New York Times is prime red meat for the conservative base”?


Why can't we have cars like the Chinese?

Did you know that the United States is at the bottom of the developed world fuel economy charts? Did you know that we can’t export cars to China because their fuel requirements are already way above ours? I believe that California has a plan to lift their fuel requirements to match China’s over the next 15 years and that the U.S. automakers are trying to stop them.
Of course GM and Ford are opening up factories in China to build cars to the higher standards for the Chinese market! Why can’t they do the same thing here? Are the oil companies stopping them?

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