Monday, March 27, 2006


America being sold from under us! 3/26/06

It came as a great surprise to me to find out how much of America is owned by other countries. I was alerted to this by the concern brought on by the UAE, Dubai Ports World purchase of 6 U.S. ports.

(Having been told over and over for the past 5 years about terror and to be fearful, it is hardly surprising that the country turned against this idea so strongly).

Why have we sold off so much of this country? Could it be that other countries own so many of our dollars, (we just keep on buying things from them), so these countries need to spend their dollars, and the only things for sale are our industries and utilities.

This is an interesting turnaround, as for decades, U.S. administrations and their corporate benefactors have gone into countries full of mineral wealth and taken that wealth from the people who live in those countries.

The only people who benefited from those transactions were the multi-national corporations and the ruling elite that ran those countries. The result of so many years of this misuse is now showing as many countries are turning away from America. For how this went down, read The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.

Now it looks like the tables are being turned on us and we are being bought out. Is it the multi-national corporations and the ruling elite that are benefiting again? Are we going to end up a 3rd world country having sold out?

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