Monday, March 27, 2006


Are you a good citizen? 3/13/06

Dear Editor,

Are you a good citizen?

Do you pay for what you use? If you damaged a neighbor’s property, would you fix it?

It’s been 16 years since the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and Exxon Mobile hasn’t paid a penny to those devastated communities in the Prince William Sound! Instead, they spend millions on court appeals to delay payment. Why aren’t they doing the right thing? Having made more money than any company in history, it isn’t as if they are short of money!

Exxon Mobil also under reported the amount of oil they drilled from Alabama state lands. Once they were found out, they were taken to court and charged. Again they appealed the charges and have yet to pay a penny. That money belongs to the people of Alabama, and don’t you think they could really use it in the aftermath of Katrina?

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