Monday, March 27, 2006


Thanks to The Nisqually Valley News 9/10/05

Dear Editor,

I want to thank the Nisqually Valley News for being a beacon of democracy. By printing all letters to the Editor, you are giving your readers a more diverse understanding of what is going on.

Most television and radio is owned by a few huge corporations who have a very one sided view of what is going on. As much as we are always being told the media is liberal, this administration finally admits, they are not. “We own the media” they now say.

The death of the media is the biggest disaster to hit this democracy. An uninformed public have no idea what is going on, so they are unable to make well reasoned judgments. People are being forced to go to foreign news media, or the internet, to find out what is really going on.

It is fascinating to me to see how a disorganized response by the government to Hurricane Katrina enabled the press to be embedded with the hurricane victims, whereas in Iraq, the press was only allowed to embed with the troops.

Look how the Katrina reporting and pictures affected us as the facts were before our eyes. Now that the government is back in control of the situation, we hear that reporters are being stopped from reporting the full recovery efforts, with reports of film being confiscated and cameras being smashed.
I suppose the idea is to stop pictures of bodies being found, just like we aren’t allowed to see the flag draped coffins of our U.S. war hero’s.

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