Thursday, April 27, 2006
Is Port Security important to you?
Why in Heaven’s name did the Republican led House of Representatives just vote down scanning for nuclear weapons on ships coming into our ports? Was it the money? It would cost less than one week in Iraq. The technology is available. Where are their priorities?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Can you get your head around A Trillion Dollars?
It is so far out of everyday living, most people have no concept how much it is.
I think it's important to get a grasp of it given that we are about to spend that much on the wars in Iraq, Afganistan (and Iran), and our national debt ceiling is now 9 trillion.
Look at it this way.
1 million seconds equals 11.6 days
1 billion seconds equals 31.7 years
1 trillion seconds equals 317 centuries
I think it's important to get a grasp of it given that we are about to spend that much on the wars in Iraq, Afganistan (and Iran), and our national debt ceiling is now 9 trillion.
Look at it this way.
1 million seconds equals 11.6 days
1 billion seconds equals 31.7 years
1 trillion seconds equals 317 centuries
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What is the real price of oil?
In 1999 when oil was around $30 a barrel and gas cost us $1.30 a gallon, the actual cost of the oil was around 10 cents a gallon. The refining, distribution and profit was $1.20.
Now that oil is $70 a barrel, the actual cost of that oil has gone up to around 25 cents. The refining, distribution hasn’t changed that much, but the profit sure has!
If the oil companies kept the same profit ratios as in 1999, a gallon would be costing us $1.35!
Are the oil companies taking advantage of us? You bet. Could it have started when Cheney had his Energy Task Force!
Now that oil is $70 a barrel, the actual cost of that oil has gone up to around 25 cents. The refining, distribution hasn’t changed that much, but the profit sure has!
If the oil companies kept the same profit ratios as in 1999, a gallon would be costing us $1.35!
Are the oil companies taking advantage of us? You bet. Could it have started when Cheney had his Energy Task Force!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Would you like to own a Voting Machine Company?
What would you do if you owned a Voting Machine Company?
Did you know that Chuck Hagel, republican of Nebraska owns a voting machine company? It’s a privately owned corporation so he doesn’t have to tell anyone! Could that be why he won the vote in Nebraska, twice? The second time was with 83% of the vote, in a state that hadn’t voted republican in 24 years, with many heavily black communities voting overwhelmingly republican for the first time in history!! Why do we have private for profit corporations handling our votes?
Does Hagel want to be president? It looks like he is positioning himself for that, as he is now running against Bush, agreeing with the generals who aren’t happy with Rumsfeld. Watch for the new strategy, as republicans go against Bush to keep power. It would be safer to do that than loose power. If they loose, a legislature with checks and balances will look into what Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld have been doing these past 6 years!
Did you know that Chuck Hagel, republican of Nebraska owns a voting machine company? It’s a privately owned corporation so he doesn’t have to tell anyone! Could that be why he won the vote in Nebraska, twice? The second time was with 83% of the vote, in a state that hadn’t voted republican in 24 years, with many heavily black communities voting overwhelmingly republican for the first time in history!! Why do we have private for profit corporations handling our votes?
Does Hagel want to be president? It looks like he is positioning himself for that, as he is now running against Bush, agreeing with the generals who aren’t happy with Rumsfeld. Watch for the new strategy, as republicans go against Bush to keep power. It would be safer to do that than loose power. If they loose, a legislature with checks and balances will look into what Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld have been doing these past 6 years!
Are you sick, or is the system?
Dear Editor
Are you affected by health insurance price hikes? Well Dr. William McGuire of United Health Group isn’t. According to the Wall Street Journal he earns $1.6 billion, yes that’s Billion with a B. He is the first CEO to earn that sort of money, and what does he do to earn it? United Health Group pushes paper around. They handle payments for healthcare. They are the 2nd largest company in their industry and they made a 21% profit in the last 3 months.
They made 1.2 billion more due to the new Part D paperwork that 4.5 million seniors are now using!
And that while 46 million in the U.S. lack any health care at all. If we had a national health care system this guy wouldn’t be in business at all. The only people that this works for are the investors and CEO’s. Our health care system is badly broken and we need to do something about it!
Doctors are dictated to by the Insurance Companies. Many are being forced to take less money. There is a law that says doctors can’t unionize, in some cities, nurses are earning more than doctors!! Don’t forget that the federal minimum wage is still $5.15 an hour, if we took inflation into account, it should be $8.88 as we’ve lost 42% in value since1968.
Are you affected by health insurance price hikes? Well Dr. William McGuire of United Health Group isn’t. According to the Wall Street Journal he earns $1.6 billion, yes that’s Billion with a B. He is the first CEO to earn that sort of money, and what does he do to earn it? United Health Group pushes paper around. They handle payments for healthcare. They are the 2nd largest company in their industry and they made a 21% profit in the last 3 months.
They made 1.2 billion more due to the new Part D paperwork that 4.5 million seniors are now using!
And that while 46 million in the U.S. lack any health care at all. If we had a national health care system this guy wouldn’t be in business at all. The only people that this works for are the investors and CEO’s. Our health care system is badly broken and we need to do something about it!
Doctors are dictated to by the Insurance Companies. Many are being forced to take less money. There is a law that says doctors can’t unionize, in some cities, nurses are earning more than doctors!! Don’t forget that the federal minimum wage is still $5.15 an hour, if we took inflation into account, it should be $8.88 as we’ve lost 42% in value since1968.