Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Are you sick, or is the system?

Dear Editor

Are you affected by health insurance price hikes? Well Dr. William McGuire of United Health Group isn’t. According to the Wall Street Journal he earns $1.6 billion, yes that’s Billion with a B. He is the first CEO to earn that sort of money, and what does he do to earn it? United Health Group pushes paper around. They handle payments for healthcare. They are the 2nd largest company in their industry and they made a 21% profit in the last 3 months.
They made 1.2 billion more due to the new Part D paperwork that 4.5 million seniors are now using!

And that while 46 million in the U.S. lack any health care at all. If we had a national health care system this guy wouldn’t be in business at all. The only people that this works for are the investors and CEO’s. Our health care system is badly broken and we need to do something about it!

Doctors are dictated to by the Insurance Companies. Many are being forced to take less money. There is a law that says doctors can’t unionize, in some cities, nurses are earning more than doctors!! Don’t forget that the federal minimum wage is still $5.15 an hour, if we took inflation into account, it should be $8.88 as we’ve lost 42% in value since1968.

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