Friday, December 22, 2006


Are we going the war with Iran?

Are we going to war with Iran? It looks like we are being set up to accept it as inevitable. With no real reporting on the situation, the American people have no choice but to believe what they are told as the President goes for another regime change. It seems a shame as the moderate voices in Iran just won in the country’s local elections.

There are voices speaking out, one of them is Scott Ritter, the U.S. Marine and United Nations Weapons Inspector who warned us about going to war with Iraq. He was right then. Is he right again?

He has delved deeply into Israeli and U.S. CIA covert operations and shows that Iran is not building nuclear weapons but that they have other reasons for an attack. He lays it out in his new book ‘Target Iran’.

Ritter says that Iran has learnt from Saddam Hussein and that within two days of the U.S. attack, we will feel it in our pocketbooks, as Iran closes down its own oil exports and disrupts oil from Saudi Arabia & Kuwait and then closes down the oil shipping lane, the Strait of Hormuz.

Maybe the President is moving more aircraft carriers into place to frighten the Iranians from starting a new Oil Bourse using Euros instead of Dollars. Many countries are already trading oil in Euros and this is removing the world’s need for PetroDollars. Seeing as the U.S. owes money to just about every country in the world, including Mexico, this could be problematic for the U.S. economy. As it is, Microsoft’s Bill Gates and the Google founders have been selling out shares in their own companies at massive rates. Warren Buffet, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and the second richest man in the world has been buying foreign currencies since 2002 because of the threat of the U.S. deficits.

Aren’t “We the People” supposed to be in charge? How can we be when we aren’t being told any facts? Call your Congress people and ask them not to follow the President off this cliff.

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